Effective Emails - Improving Your E-Communication Skills


60  Mins


Basic & Advanced

Webinar ID


Participants will learn how to employ these key aspects of email to improve clarity and response rates:

  • Addressing
  • Subject line
  • Message text
  • Signature line
  • Attachments
  • Style
  • Confidentiality and security
  • Managing e-mail volume
  • When and when not to use email

At the end of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Write consistent, professional, well formatted emails
  • Increase response rates with clearer, more focused email
  • Use email clarity to increase productivity

Overview of the webinar

Emails are a core business communication tool.  The speed and volume of email have dramatically changed the business communication. The not-so-old standards for professional correspondence have changed and will continue to do so. Employees need to know the best strategies to communicate effectively.  An effective business email is easily understood, but it is not so easily written.

We have all received poorly written emails. These emails are unclear, ambiguous and often get ignored. They can cause confusion. They can also be detrimental to business if projects are impeded or if clients misinterpret information.  Fortunately, this communication skill can be Improved with training, and the payoff is that these clearer emails improve business communication and productivity

This course will teach you how to write clearer emails to receive better responses.  Well-written emails save time because they allow the recipient to clearly understand the task at hand and respond appropriately. Effective emails reduce confusion and increase productivity. And they are much faster to write than snail mail.  This course will teach you the basics of an effective email.

Who should attend?

  • Credit Analysts
  • Credit Managers
  • Loan review officers
  • Work-out officers
  • Commercial lenders
  • Credit Risk Managers
  • Chief Credit Officers
  • Senior Lenders
  • Senior Lending Officer
  • Bank Director
  • Chief Executive Officer
  • President
  • Board Chairman

Why should you attend?

  • How to write more focused, professional emails 
  • How to improve response rates
  • How to write more concise and succinct emails

This email course is especially valuable if you work on a team that uses email as a major communication tool, you are managing a group or division that communicates via email, your staff sends emails that are too vague, too dense, or too many, or you have a difficult  time getting responses to the emails you send.

Faculty - Mr.Dev Strischek

A frequent speaker, instructor, advisor and writer on credit risk and commercial banking topics and issues, Martin J. "Dev" Strischek is principal of Devon Risk Advisory Group based near Atlanta, Georgia.  Dev advises, trains, and develops for financial organizations risk management solutions and recommendations on a range of issues and topics, e.g., credit risk management, credit culture, credit policy, credit and lending training, etc. Dev is also a member of the Financial Accounting Standards Board’s (FASB’s) Private Company Council (PCC).  PCC’s purpose is to evaluate and recommend to FASB revisions to current and proposed generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) that are more appropriate for privately held firms.  He also serves as the PCC’s representative to FASB’s Credit Losses Transition Resource Group supporting the new current expected credit loss (CECL) standard. Dev is the former SVP and senior credit policy officer at SunTrust Bank, Atlanta. He was responsible for developing, implementing, and administering credit policies for SunTrust’s wholesale lines of business--commercial, commercial real estate, corporate investment banking, capital markets, business banking and private wealth management.


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