Stress-testing in Pandemic

Duration 60 Mins
Level Basic & Intermediate & Advanced
Webinar ID IQW21E0517

  • Crisis management reactions
  • Pulling and generalizing lessons from the crisis
  • Regulatory post-pandemic pitfalls
  • Totems and taboos in regulation
  • A few post-pandemic scenarios
  • Finding the right level of preemptive measures for the next pandemic
  • Living in a world of over-indebtedness
  • The new game in geopolitical tensions
  • The new winners and losers

Overview of the webinar

  • With the numerous areas of instability, present and to come, it is easier than ever to make again the typical mistakes in stress-testing
  • Let us try, this time, to improve on the last responses, and ensure that financial institutions can emerge in a more performing state than before
  • Let us pull up every possible lesson from this crisis, as a potential precedent for the next crises 
  • Present stress-test exercises, even assuming that these are carried on properly in the first place, should indicate any residual vulnerability, to be disclosed
  • However, we still have to meet a bank that clearly discloses away to the public any reverse stress-test scenario
  • We examine here a few aspects of reported risks, where these are to be found, and finally concrete examples, in the context of a pandemic environment

Who should attend?

  • Risk Management
  • Overall Management
  • Line Management
  • Operational Units Managers
  • Financial Institutions Advisory
  • Bank Supervision and regulation

Why should you attend?

  • Now is a likely time when financial institutions could be tempted to perform the wrong kind of pandemic-related stress-tests
  • Yet fate has not decided to spare any bank from another scenario. It may just have decided to add the pandemic to the next crisis
  • When most pre-pandemic scenarios need a strong update, it is critical to find out the appropriate new risk scenarios within a pandemic-stricken environment
  • Given that the history of regulation goes along a cycle of neglect, shock, paranoia and neglect again, we can expect a new wave of regulation that will include the last crisis
  • However, now is also a good time to, above and regulatory requirements and just because it makes sense, pull up every lesson from the pandemic episode, and to perform stress-testing exercises based upon the new scenarios that have become more threatening
  • The pandemic recovery, if and when it comes and in whatever form, will see new winners and new losers among financial institutions

Faculty - Mr.Fred Vacelet

Fred Vacelet is a Financial Risk Management Consultant with international expertise in Risk Management methodological frameworks. His experience spans some 20 years, advising banks, software houses and others on risk management. Fred holds various degrees, including from London Business School, with post-graduate studies at the Technische (then West)-Berlin and Keio (Japan) universities. A qualified Islamic Finance person (IFQ), he is a magazine author on risk management and Basel Accords, and a regular speaker at conferences.
The client list includes ABN Amro, Barclays, CDC Paris, Credit Suisse, DePfa, Deutsche Bank, a few City hedge funds, IBM Consulting (Banking and Finance), Sungard, Lloyds TSB, National Bank of Egypt, the UK Regulatory body (now PRA), Reuters, and numerous other institutions of various countries and sizes. Fred runs training courses and workshops with participants from various banks around the world.


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