Emerging Issues in Food Safety Locally, Nationally and Globally


60  Mins



Webinar ID


  • Defining food safety
  • Risks and realities
  • Statistical reliability
  • The multiplicity of impacting factors
  • The changing landscape
  • Threats and realities of using food as a biological weapon
  • Mitigating the risks

Overview of the webinar

The food safety landscape is changing and this presents a litany of challenges. Learn about the issues and how can they be addressed. Understand what responsibilities each of us must adopt to help ensure that our food supply is safe. This webinar will address the complexity of defining safe food and examine the factors that impact on microbiological food safety. We will look at the changing nature of foodborne/food transmitted pathogens and the influence of demographics and geography on the changing landscape. The webinar will also discuss roles and responsibilities for mitigating food contamination and foodborne illness.

Who should attend?

  • Analytical Support Services
  • Food quality personnel
  • Food safety team members
  • Any employees working on developing, implementing or auditing food safety plans
  • City, state and federal food safety personnel 
  • Food Production Managers/Supervisors
  • Food testing labs and quality personnel
  • Food process engineers
  • Compliance specialists

Why should you attend?

Learn about the issues and how can they be addressed in a global environment. Understand what responsibilities each of us must adopt to help ensure that our food supply is safe. This webinar will also discuss the potential threats of using food as a biological weapon and the actions food companies can take to mitigate and minimize the risks.

Faculty - Mr.Michael Brodsky

Michael Brodsky has been an Environmental Microbiologist for more than 47 years. He is a Past President of the Ontario Food Protection Association, the International Association for Food Protection and AOAC International. He serves as co-Chair for the AOAC Expert Review Committee for Microbiology, as a scientific reviewer in Microbiology for the AOAC Official Methods of Analysis and the AOAC Research Institute. He is a reviewer for Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater and a chapter co-editor on QA for the Compendium of Methods in Microbiology. He is also a lead auditor/assessor in microbiology for the Canadian Association for Laboratory Accreditation.


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