The Fallacious Fecal Coliform

Duration 60 Mins
Level Intermediate
Webinar ID IQW15C8349

  • Recognized Food and Waterborne Pathogens
  • Opportunistic Pathogens
  • Assessing Water Safety
  • Indicator Bacteria That Occupy Human Intestinal Systems
  • Water Quality Guidelines and  Standards

Overview of the webinar

Thermotolerant coliform is a generic term for “coliforms” capable of multiplying and producing gas at temperatures ca. 44 C. They are not definitively of fecal origin. The species E. coli is the only definitive Thermotolerant coliform associated with fecal contamination, yet it too has limitations as a comprehensive indicator of microbial contamination. Parasites and viruses can be detected in food and water when no bacterial indicator of pollution is present. In view of these limitations, the search for the ideal indicator continues.  

Who should attend?

  • Water Microbiologists
  • Water Regulators
  • Food Microbiologists
  • Food Safety Personnel

Why should you attend?

The term of a “fecal” coliform has no taxonomic significance and bears no definitive relationship to intestinal waste, yet it has been used as the basis for indicating sewage contamination in potable and non-potable water, as well as food and environmental sources by many jurisdictions. The term “Thermotolerant” coliform is biologically correct. Yet many agencies are still reluctant to archive this obsolete terminology. Are there better approaches to assessing the potential for microbial pathogens in our water and food supplies? New technology and detection systems specifically for Escherichia coli, the only definitive Thermotolerant coliform associated with sewage, has resulted in the replacement of ‘fecal” coliform by E. coli by most regulatory agencies.

Faculty - Mr.Michael Brodsky

Michael Brodsky has been an Environmental Microbiologist for more than 47 years. He is a Past President of the Ontario Food Protection Association, the International Association for Food Protection and AOAC International. He serves as co-Chair for the AOAC Expert Review Committee for Microbiology, as a scientific reviewer in Microbiology for the AOAC Official Methods of Analysis and the AOAC Research Institute. He is a reviewer for Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater and a chapter co-editor on QA for the Compendium of Methods in Microbiology. He is also a lead auditor/assessor in microbiology for the Canadian Association for Laboratory Accreditation.


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